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Snow Melt is an oil on canvas painting of a scene in late winter, early spring. The sky is overcast with blue-gray clouds stretching across the painting, but the sun casts a pale yellow glow across the horizon, suggesting sunrise. On the left side of the painting lies a snow-covered hillside; the snow is grayish in hue rather than white. The hill slopes down toward a stream that flows in jagged fashion through the middle of the painting. On the right side of the stream, the hillside next to the stream is partially covered by snow, but higher up toward the horizon, the ground now appears where the snow has melted. In the center of the stream a person is crossing the stream, facing to the right. The person is small in contrast to the vast landscape around him or her.

Snow Melt

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20 - Sold

Summer in Sancerre is an oil on canvas painting of the artist’s sister’s home in Sancerre, France. A tranquil blue sky with small wispy clouds occupies the top half of the painting. Dominating the center of the painting is a two-story, cream-colored house with a pale brown roof and chimneys at both ends. Brown shutters adorn the windows on the front of the house, and a brown door stands open in the center. A gray stone wall, about the height of the first story, stands to the right side of the house. Behind the house is a patchwork of fields, varying in color from pale green to brown to yellow, suggesting various crops. To the left of the house and in the foreground are lush green grape vines.

Summer in Sancerre

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20

Fenwick Beach at Sunset is an oil on canvas painting, featuring the brilliant orange hues of the sunset reflected in the ocean waves at the horizon. As the waves reach the shore, their color fades to a crystal blue before landing on the sandy beach in the foreground.

Fenwick Beach at Sunset

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20

Fjords of the River Saguenay is an oil on canvas painting. Heavy white clouds allow only small patches of blue sky to peek through. Rich green fjords flank the river on both sides and cast their shadows in it, and a rocky gray shore stretches across the foreground of the painting.

Fjords of the River Saguenay

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20

Sunset on Twin Lake is an oil on canvas painting. Pink and peach-colored clouds melt into the orange-yellow of the setting sun across the darkening sky, and the lake below reflects both the colors above and the green shores in the distance. An empty silver-blue canoe floats at the lake’s edge in the center foreground. The scene evokes tranquility.

Sunset on Twin Lake

Oil on Canvas - 12 x 36 - Sold

Smokey Mountains Rushing Waters is an oil on canvas painting. Ablaze with brilliant sunshine, the yellow sky dominates the painting, flanked by tall green trees. Rocky shores line both sides of a mountain stream that cuts through the center of the painting. In the foreground the crystal clear stream drops over rocks, forming a miniature falls that pools below.

Smoky Mountains Rushing Waters

Oil on Canvas - 11 x 14 - Sold

Nightfall is an oil on canvas painting. The sun sinks toward the horizon in the center of the painting and decorates the surrounding clouds in shades of peach and pinkish-purple. A rocky hill descends into the waves at the left. Across the lower third of the painting, low blue waves roll toward the shore, already dark in the shadows.


Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20 - Sold

Ocean Waves, an oil on canvas painting, depicts majestic waves breaking on a rocky shore. One wave stands higher than the others in the center of the painting. Navy, cobalt blue, and turquoise tint the wave up to its white crest. In the bright blue sky above, cottony clouds hover over the waves.

Ocean Waves

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20

Storm on Lake Superior is an oil on canvas painting. Angry waves of aqua and olive green crash into the rock-strewn shore. In the distance at the left, a stand of trees clings to the shore under a heavily overcast sky.

Storm on Lake Superior

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20

Paradise Island–Thailand, an oil on canvas, captures the azure sky above and cyan ocean waves along the white sandy beach of Paradise Island. Lush palm fronds fringe the beach on the right side of the painting and arc towards the center of the painting. And tucked into the shade of the palm fronds in the lower right is an outrigger canoe, another nod to the tropical setting of this work.

Paradise Island - Thailand 
Oil on Canvas - 16x20 

Summer’s Dream is an oil on canvas painting. Tall, leafy trees rise from the middle to the top of the canvas on both sides or a river, which flows gently through the center of painting. A small patch of blue sky appears between the stands of trees at the top of the painting. In the foreground, large gray rocks form a path across the river.

Summer's Dream

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20

Mist is an oil on canvas painting, featuring a stream that passes through a stand of birch trees and passes over a rock ledge, creating a shallow water falls in the foreground. Behind it the stream fades into a pond that recedes into a hazy line of trees rising in the background mist.


Oil on Canvas - Sold

Woodland Cabin, an oil on canvas, depicts a log cabin set in the winter woods at twilight. The cabin and surrounding trees are rendered completely in black and white, emphasizing the brilliance of the yellow setting sun and the lights in the cabin windows.

Woodland Cabin

Oil on Canvas - Sold

Fall on the Mississippi is an oil on canvas painting. In this landscape the Mississippi River flows gently through the orange, green, and yellow autumn woods of northern Minnesota. The river is no more than a shallow brook at its headwaters. Above the gray band of sky hints that winter is on its way.
Headwaters in Winter, an oil on canvas painting, depicts the headwaters of the Mississippi River and Lake Itasca, the source of the river. The winter sun glows white in the cloudless sky. On our left snow partially blankets the lake and frosts the boundary rocks setting off the dark waters of the river in the foreground. Snow-covered pine and spruce trees stand silent watch on the far shore.

Headwaters in Winter

Oil on Canvas - Sold

Available as Canvas Print

Fall on the Mississippi

Oil on Canvas - 16 x 20

Fall Colors is an oil on canvas painting. In the center of the painting sits a prominent red house near the edge of a lake. Behind the house and reflected in the lake below are trees adorned in a profusion of red, orange, and yellow leaves, standing interspersed among trees whose leaves are still green.

Fall Colors

Oil on Canvas - 14 x 11 - Sold

Irish Coastline, an oil on canvas, portrays a series of three rugged cliffs jutting into the azure sea along the left side of the landscape. Spring green grass carpets the clifftops, and in the foreground purple heather grows under a soft blue sky.

Irish Coastline

Oil on Canvas - Sold

Mountain Village in France is an oil on canvas painting. It features three steep dark mountains that serve as a backdrop to the village cottages, clustered in the left corner of the painting. Waterfalls drop from the center and right mountains and join in a small pool of turquoise water near the base of the right mountain, opposite the village. Though they differ in size and dimensions, all the cottages sport white exteriors and rust-brown roofs. Between the village and the mountains is a field and forest of lush green.

Mountain Village in France

Oil on Canvas - Sold

In Walk in the Park, an oil on canvas painting, we see a man and woman walking away from us on a path in the center of the painting. The woman is wearing a yellow coat; the man is dressed in all brown. His left arm is wrapped around the woman’s waist, and  his right hand holds a red umbrella under which they walk. Ahead of them and on both sides of the path stand tall trees with green and yellow leaves. In the foreground flowers of blue, red, and purple hues cluster in abundance.

Walk in the Park

Oil on Canvas - Available as Canvas Print

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